Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Yes I've read ‘Mad Girl.'  Loved her description of putting the iron in her bag and taking it with her so she could convince herself that she'd turned it off. Can relate to that...... 😳 x

Sad.  I often wonder whether I've blocked up, as I have little recall.  I can't back track.  She's 12 months without alcohol.   :medal:

I have had to learn to listen to Himself.  I don't recognise when I'm off on 'one', i.e. obsessed about something that I think I can solve  ::) 'if only people would .......... ' !  Currently I am collecting Sealyham related stuff  :D.  I know that I can't have another pet  :'( but I can fund raise  ;)

I wake every morning feeling very low and know that I can spiral at this time of year  :'(.  Fortunately I rally after breakfast and fortunately I know that by mid-January my mind will B settled as any commitments will be over.


Hey CKLD have your bounced this for me or are you in bother too?  I am in definite trouble and I don't like where my mind is going on occasion this last week and my mind and body together are behaving like they are sort of paralysed, it doesn't have to settle it's just one big black hole - like someone stopped the clock. I have to keep this too myself too because my darling hubby isn't fond of this time of year either and when he has had his own mental health troubles which are extremely complicated and very difficult to explain suffice to say a form of disassociative behaviour where he has been known to lose time! they have been at their worst at Christmas. I am always terrified something will set it off but luckily we have had 4 good years without one at Christmas and his last major breakdown was July 15.  Things have been stable since then but its always at the back of my mind.

Before the episode in 15 we had 7 years without major incident and that one caught me cos I took my eye off the ball and missed the barely visable warning signs - not that you can stop it happening mind but at least I would have been prepared.
See this waking feeling low - the grey dark mornings don't help do they?  I often wonder whether I would feel the same if I woke to sun and warmth every day of the year?  It's an experiment I would love to try but its not very likely to happen.


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