Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Tnx.  I found that after a few years my brain got used to the mix in the ADs, so my GP prescribed something different.  So far they have worked and I also self-medicate as required.

I don't know what's going on with me it anxiety depression or both but it's blooming awful and I want it gone  :'(
I'm on medication have been on and off for years . Have been off work for 4 weeks and can't see myself going back any time soon. I feel so isolated and alone and I want to start living again and enjoying life
 :hug: to everyone who is dealing with depression x

You aren't alone whilst you post on here ;-).

When did you last have a med review, my GP sees me every 9-12 months to update how my mix is working. 

I have just had one
My mirtazapine has been increased to 45mg so I know I have to give it a few weeks to settle. If that doesn't help I will be asking to be referred back to psychiatrist x

I found that the longer my brain had been depressed, the longer it took for medication to ease symptoms ;-)


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