Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Yep - a problem shared.  We're allowed to be alone but it's the whizzing thoughts that used to bother me, I could never slow my brain down enough to analyse them and couldn't have told anyone what was going on in there  ::)

I feel for you charliegirl.
Been there myself.Mine was a lot to do with insecuries too.
I know what  you mean CLDK about the thoughts whizzing around your brain.
Honeybun,I'm the same when I'm out,looking around at other women and thinking
"Do they feel like I feel?"
 :bighug: for you charliegirl and for you all on here.
Dyan X

Suzi Q:
Bullying is found EVERYWHERE
Depression is an inherited genetic disease
They have found the depressive gene
My MUM and my brother and my son have depression I suffered too but mine was an illness
I was able to get over it with only help no ADs though I did take them (sorry) for 8/mnths till the Therapy started
We all feel that when times are bad we look at people walking or driving and think if only they knew?
Wonder what their life is like and the thoughts Oddly enough Im having them lately scarey what if scenarios hate them

There are at least 2 types of depression - organic and clinical.  Organic is chemical related in that the brain lacks ooomph and clinical is based around life events which people feel they can't alter.  This can lead to anger, annoyance, low mood, lack of interest in daily living.  I have both at times, thank goodness for medication!

Suzi Q:

--- Quote from: CLKD on November 17, 2011, 11:40:36 AM ---There are at least 2 types of depression - organic and clinical.  Organic is chemical related in that the brain lacks ooomph and clinical is based around life events which people feel they can't alter.  This can lead to anger, annoyance, low mood, lack of interest in daily living.  I have both at times, thank goodness for medication!

--- End quote ---

My MUM had Chemical depression  and clinical as does my son
I had clinical it took 3 years of Therapy to get rid of it but I dont think it ever totaly goes
I find since my illness silly things upset me things I would shrug off before
Yet Im a stronger person for having therapy I get over the things that upset me very quickly
also my angers not as bad as it was or my rage against life
I would give anything for son not to be sick Id have it for him he has been depressed since he was about 15 or so though I think it was even earlier I think coming to Ozz at 9 played a part too
He saw his Nan and Gag and Grt Nan and Uncle virtually every day of his 9 years of life
Plus cousins and Aunts and Uncles he went to the same school I did my Dad did and my grandad did
I blame myself he got the gene and predisposition from me knowing what I know now Id never have taken him away


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