Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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I ran out of 5mg AD so have cut the 10mg tablets in halve ………. have to keep telling myself that it's the reason I feel woozy in my head as well as slightly queasy with 'the runs' -  ::) and once I get my 5mg next week, I'll be OK again.


I was thinking earlier today.  Many ladies experience intense, debilitating anxiety at The Change and it is suggested that sufferers should be given HRT as it often caused by hormonal upheaval.  However, HRT can take a while to find something which suits as each lady is different.  I think that what ever the reason, anxiety should be treated with appropriate anti-anxiety medication 'as necessary', because it is likely to help symptoms more quickly.  Also, the sufferer will feel that she has been listened to and gets a sense of control, enabling her to return to discuss HRT when she has read up and is feeling stronger about discussing this with a GP who may be reluctant to prescribe. 

BUMP  :bounce: for new members

Interesting thread, I took citalapram for 14 years but stopped working and tried a few but really find venlafaxine help loads. If I need help (tablets etc) I'll take them ☺️Xx


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