Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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I'm not very clued up on depression treatments, but I would think one of the most vital things first of all, if you are suffering, is to tell somebody.  That's another really good thing about this website.

Who to tell though  :-\.  First port of call ought to be the GP or Practice Nurse, or walk into a MIND meeting. 

My family are too judgemental for me to share any medical issues with them.  So DH and I make sure that over the years I have had a working relationship with our GP who has been very good.

BJ was on a very low dose.  I take a maintenance dose of 5mg at night and breakfast time, upping it to 10mg at night and 5mg at breakfast when I get breakthrough symptoms.  It is about finding medication that doesn't make me nauseous! but it isn't a cure.  I feel hung over most mornings on waking but that passes once I'm out of bed.  I try to accept any side effects and push on through the day, as long as the anxiety doesn't take over I manage half a day at a time.

BJ- if you felt better on them then take them again.
Why do people hate taking medication? :-\
A diabetic takes insulin, etc,etc,etc.
Don't feel bad about it. Our brains get sick,so why not take meds to make it better,same as anything else.
When I first went on ADs people use to say to me " oh you don't want to be on them" :-\

Sorry,just had to get that off my chest ;D I'll shut up now  :-X
 :hug: to you all who are suffering. X

>wave Dyan<  - I think that BJ was feeling ruff so stopped taking it to see the effects - maybe a hike in the drug might over-ride any symptoms, it really is Trial and Error at a time when we want to feel well  :-\.

It gets to be Hard Work  :sigh: ………. so many conditions mimic others which makes it difficult to sort the chaff from the straw!

thank you all so very much for your concern for me, it is so reassuring to read your posts.  :hug:

I just typed a long reply and it disappeared into cyberspace so to cut a long stary short I have an appointment with my GP next week and will see how things go between now and then.

Basically I was not depressed and they did little for my anxiety.  then the side effects outweighed the benefits and they numbed my emotions.  I don't need my emotions numbed, I need to be able to feel in order for my therapy sessions to be effective, no matter how painful they might be.

I will be guided by my GP who I trust, although it was he who suggested stopping them in the first place.  Yes, there might be a better one for me that I could try or I might feel better in another week anyway.  I will report back  :)


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