Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Awwww that's good

Not stupid at all..... Just that you didn't understand at the time xx

I think I am going to have to restart my ADs  :(  despite the side effects I was better when I was on it and three individual people noticed the difference in me.

I hate medication but I am not good 2 weeks after stopping it  :'(

Believe me bj .....if you are dipping without them but felt you were better on them, then please don't stop taking them, because the further you sink the further you have to climb back up .......and I wouldnt wish how I've been with depression on anyone

But also remember that stopping them just because you feel better is not a good idea ......the side effects do settle xxx

Ps I hate medication too, but if it works .... :great:

 :bighug:  BJ!

BJ, perhaps give it a bit more time to settle before making a decision. I think feeling a bit rubbish is par for course after withdrawal and your body may just need of time to adjust. Obviously don't let things get so bad that you are at rock bottom before restarting them- maybe go and have a word with your GP and see if they can suggest anything. A lower dose perhaps? X


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