Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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I stopped trying.  Unless a person has suffered then they don't empathise well! and why do we need to justify our depression?

I know now that I had no clue about depression and anxiety before this. One of my closest friends suffers and it kills me to think how many times I must have said the stupidest things to her. I honestly thought it was falling into a pattern of sadness and self-pity, and that if you let yourself be sad for awhile, then consciously choose to not be sad anymore, that was all it took. I almost think it needs a different name because I guess I thought it meant feeling depressed for a long time.
Since the meno experience, I've learned it's totally not the same thing. I can be happy as a lark and suddenly feel something (the hormones? Brain chemicals?) flooding my brain and Boom! I'm anxious/depressed. It's the most difficult thing I've ever had to try to cope with in my life.

Give your friend a huge hug and tell her that now you have more awareness of how depression can feel.  When I am depressed, even my shadow aches.

I agree with CLKD give your friend a hug and just tell her you can see now ......she will understand and thank you for it

I already have. She's a sweetheart and we laughed at how stupid I was. She knew that there was no way anyone who hadn't been through it themselves could understand.


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