Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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I was started on citalopram but I also got nausea and upset stomach and headache and worse anxiety.  I was changed to the sister EsCitalopram which causes less side effects and I am better on those.  They took about 8 weeks to really work though and I am on a low dose.

If there are no side effects keep taking them for at least 6 months.  That gives the brain support as well as breathing space  ;) by which time, you will have forgotten that you are needing them!

I've just had a read through all this thread again and feel it should be bumped every so often because depression is such a hard thing to talk about or explain and reading through many pages on the forum a helluva lot of us are going through or have had it! .......... And to me, it's a very  "isolating debilitating feeling"

I'm still struggling, but not as bad as when I first posted...... Thank u all for being so kind and lovely to me.....but to be honest it's only now after re-reading the thread with a clearer mind that I'm taking in what you have all said, at the time when I was at my lowest I couldn't think straight so wasn't onboard with people's posts!!!! Also, I've realised I never thanked any of you for responding to my posts--- sorry, thank you and sending much hugs xx

I'm planning returning to work in a fortnight, that will be nine weeks altogether since I was signed off, and to be honest I really beat myself up about being off work something terrible, and I don't think I'm 100%--- in fact I know I'm not, but.....I need to be in a normal environment again, too much time on my owns not good for me now

At my worst I couldn't lift my head from the pillow  :'(.  The medication leaves me weary sometimes but at least I can get out of bed and sit in our garden, anything else is a real + !

It's an awful thing CLKD..... And so hard to explain to anyone


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