Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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You can get referred to a Consultant via your GP.  He/she will write a referral letter to post or for you to take if you decide to go privately.  The GP will know who sees Private Patients in your Health Area, it may well be the same Consultant as works in the NHS.  If you want to know costs, ring the Dept. at the Hospital to find out.  I would expect to pay from £120-200 an hour.

Is the Pharmacist going to ring you?

orchid: sorry you're going through such a bad time.I was like you a few weeks ago, I was crying out for help as I felt so depressed and really ill. Severe nausea, no appetite agonising abdo pain. I rang the local crisis team and they couldn't help either as I had no suicidal intent, for all I felt it! Anyway, long story short I got a NHS referral to a psychiatrist and he wasn't really much help, they deal mostly with self harm and suicide. I'm guessing a private one may be more help. I ended up going back on the Trycyclic Dosulepin which I had been on for about 15 years and that's the only AD I can take. I believe I'll be on it for life now, there is talk it's to be discontinued, but I think that was just a manufacturing blip. My flushes have returned in recent months with all this upset, but I'm resigned to not taking HRT again as the headaches and cramps are too much. I'm 57 now and postmenopause, so just going to concentrate on healthy eating and exercise. I'm feeling much better now 6 weeks on my AD's. I'm waiting for level 3 CBT, but I've had to struggle to get this far! Hope you feel better soon. X

Two hoots:
Until August 2014 I had no idea what depression really was, but without any warning I had all the feelings Mandz has described, it was an awful time.  After crying for days I finally phoned my GP and asked for help, he started me on Citalopam and I expected them to work in a few days, only when I googled the tablets I found that they take months to work.  When at the lowest point I would sit with a box of tissues at my side and cry, I couldn't be bothered to do any housework I forced myself to have a shower and wash my hair but I was exhausted just doing that. I couldn't clean my teeth without nausea and would go days not eating anything but toast.  After a few weeks I felt more like my old self and decided the tablets a waste of time and stopped taking them, and until christmas 2015 I felt much more settled and only had the odd jittery day.  I think everyone finds christmas stressful and to be honest rather than looking forward to spending time with my family I wanted it over which is not like me at all. In January I hit another low point but this time I asked my GP for help straight away and I have decided to give the medication time to work. This forum helped me massively and I have often read posts with tears streaming down my cheeks, I'm so sorry for everyone who feels depressed or anxious but you are not alone.

STOP GOOGLING!!!   :bang: :bang: :bang:

The longer the brain has been depressed the longer it takes for the medication to work.  Some people have a quicker result with ADs then others.  I found that medication that supposedly took 10-14 days to kick in, I had a good result within 3 days.  I expect that the Citalopram were beginning to work? but you stopped them ……… which is what I did years ago until I was told by a Pyschiatrist who attended at home that I would need to take a low maintenance dose for Life.  Acceptance was difficult but once I realised that DH and I had a Life again  ;)

If you are hungry, do you not eat?  if you were diabetic or had heart problems, would you not take the medication?  so if your are prescribed ADs which don't give side-effects …………  ;).  Let us know how you get on!

Two hoots:
It was because I Googled my tablets I found this forum  :)

It's been 4 weeks on Citalopam 20mg , the first few days I felt slight nausea but otherwise no side effects. I can't say yet whether they are starting to work, but I have had 1 weepy day since taking them, I know it's still early days and if they don't work that I can try different medication.

I have an appointment with my GP in two weeks to check my progress and dosage.


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