Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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A Psychiatrist is able to prescribe medication, admit to a Hospital as well as arrange a Section under the Mental Health Act.  He/she will be likely to see sufferers on a regular basis as necessary.

A Psychologist is able to refer back to a GP, sometimes to a Psychiatric Ward but not, in the UK, allowed to prescribe.  He/she will listen, support, may make suggestions but will never tell a sufferer 'what to do'. 

I have found both specialities useful during the 1990s.  The brain is an organ often forgotten, I have a theory that the longer the brain is depressed the longer it will take for medication to begin easing symptoms.

Mandz - you R lucky that your work is able to sign you off for 4 weeks.  Do you have a health dept. there?  When do you see the GP again?

Sorry you feel like this. I've never suffered from severe depression but can empathise with how it is making you feel as my severe anxiety also makes me feel " worthless" and so on. It's hard to tell yourself that those aren't facts about you when you feel them so overwhelmingly but hopefully a good mental health professional will be able to help you find a solution that helps you and supports you through this. A psychiatrist should be able to prescribe a better cocktail of medication should they think that necessary - I know that anti-psychotics can be used at lower doses for severe intractable depression so that may be something you could try if other meds haven't helped. X

Mandz, can you afford to go private?  If you could, you would be seen more or less straight away.  I really empathise with you.  That's what gets to me as well - the mundane everyday stuff that I can't be bothered to do or find physically impossible to do as well.  I told this to my therapist on Friday and she made me put it all into a bit of perspective and not to worry about all that and delegate as much as I could.  My other half is not getting proper meals at night at the moment as I've no appetite to shop, let alone cook and the washing just gets thrown in when I can manage but yes, it does get to me.

Can you telephone MIND - I think CKLD has suggested they are really helpful when you are feeling so bad, or see if there is some sort of 'walk-in' place you can visit to offload a bit.

JustJules: Could your other half eat 'out' at lunchtime and then bring back sandwiches or bits and pieces to eat in the evenings?
What do you have in your pantry/freezer that could be thrown together?  Himself makes pancakes when I really can't eat.  He also has sun-dried tomatoes in oil, fish in oil, there's always cheese around, which can be made into a light pizza-type meal.  I've been known to boil the kettle, put an Oxo cube into a mug, pour boiling water on and add rice and a few peas ……. it's better than nowt ;-)

M&S have good light bites too, apparently.  Or is there a deli close by that could make up some tasty small dishes for you?  Mum has used Wiltshire Farm Foods successfully as well as ? Oaklands ? - both companies deliver regularly.

If I drop dead tonight the housework remains! so when I can I does, when I'm tired I tend to read or sit in our garden.   ;)  MIND were certainly helpful when I sent an e-mail to our local Branch, letting me know the times of the various walk-in sessions. 

Hi all I don't know how I can go private, I'm not sure I could afford it!
Where do I find out? I'm really clutching on by my fingernails, today I went to see the pharmacist to beg for some kind of help: I explained that back in October I went to doc to say that I felt I was dipping and was flushing and that my medication was changed from citralopram to mirtazapiine and 1mg of ellese hrt ..... And then beta blockers ...... But instead of improving I'm worse,

She listened and said she would contact my health centre and see what could be done, now I've to wait, probs tomorrow before I can get any joy from doc, I feel like I'm being over needy and pathetic..... I just want it all to stop.  :'(

Thank you all for being so understanding with me!

Btw is there anyway I can find this page quicker.... I keep losing it xxx


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