Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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walking the dog:
big hug mandz depression is a terrible thing I was on mitrazapine 15 mg for a year with duloxetine and propranalol I recently came off the mitrazapine as it didnt help and im reducing the duloxetine as its not helped either im also on hrt I have had psychosnalytical psychotherapy which helped a lot.for me talking therapy is the wsy forward but everyone is different you could find an AD to suit you. I really hope you do. big hug

Sorry had trouble finding this again

I'm really struggling: my citralopram was at its highest dose, so doc decided to try mirrazapine and am at highest dose of 45mg... And diazapam 10mg... Beta blockers and hrt!!!

Am still on my knees.... Been waiting nearly 4weeks to see physiatrist.... Don't know what more I can do xx

Hello Mandz, have a  :bighug:  I know exactly what you are going through. I have had depression & anxiety on & off as well (had PND & extreme PMS too).   I look back now & realise I started to feel worse in winter 2013 when bewidering peri symptoms flared up (I didn't know it was peri until I found this site).  This time last year, I was exactly the same as you except I couldn't go into work - I was signed off sick (my workplace was contributing to my depression & I eventually left).  At my lowest points, I have phoned a well known national helpline (I am not sure if I am allowed to mention them on here) as they are sympathetic, will listen &, although they cannot give much advice, they can help you to think more clearly.  Also, like you, I am struggling to find the right antidepressants as I had escitilopram which worked wonders for me, even on a very low dosage, until I started to react to it (amongst other things - another stupid peri symptom).  I have diazapam for emergencies but cannot take these too frequently.  I think I probably need to try a tricyclic again as I am currently struggling. Mirtazapine didn't work for me either - I just became an anxious zombie but we are all different - there must be something out there that will work!
Is your workplace supportive because that will give you some reassurance.   Could you reduce your hours temporarily or get signed off by your gp?  I know what you mean about wanting to feel like 'me' again - I actually said that same sentence to my husband last night.  Sending best wishes xxx :hug:

Hi Mandz - sorry to hear you are struggling so much.  There are a lot of us ladies in the same boat on here.

Can I just ask you because I feel exactly like you do, how did you get a referral to an actual psychiatrist and not just psychotherapist and what difference is there?


Hi , my go has referred me, she said she has went as far as she can go with medication and needs someone more qualified in mental illness!

I'm actually crying messaging this. All the advice I read tells me to keep talking to people and I do, but I know the ones I do talk to are bound to be getting fed up of it/me..... I'm fed up of it/me!!!!

I try to explain how I feel: worthless, sad, empty, lonely, useless, pathetic knotted up inside
They respond: but your not, your needed, we care

I know all that..... But I'm trying to explain that's "how I feel"..... Not what I am! I open my eyes and I don't want the day to start.....I have to think what's for dinner that night, I don't know??!!!! I worry!
Gawd there's washing needing done, shopping needing done, cleaning needing done........ I want to sit  and cry's all mundane and all the while I feel tired (I can't get enough sleep btw)......

I've been signed off my work now....4 weeks!!! My work was very supportive..... But I'm mortified not coping..... And I usually like my job..... I'm sinking and don't know how to stop it


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