Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Bless you, you sound so sad  :foryou:.  Welcome to the forum.  Would you like to introduce yourself in the New Members section as more people will meet and welcome you there and that might lift your spirits a little.  Your post could get lost in the middle of this thread.

 :bighug:  been where you were and survived!  Why didn't your GP 'up' the dosage of the Citalopram?  I have to increase my dose of the 'sister' drug occasionally when I get break-through depression.

Which Beta-blocka has been prescribed, I take Propranlol 40mg at night.

>wave Babyjane<



Ah Mandz you poor girl! I was on Mitrazepine 30mg and it made me more anxious, I had to stop it. Long story short, I've tried other AD's but Dosulepin an old Trycyclic is the only one I can take. You probably need to see your dr.


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