Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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I'll add another hug for you Valiantkate. I'm a teacher too and know that bullying can be found in staff as well as pupils! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and be kind to yourself.

Re depression - my Mum has suffered off and on all her life and now that I'm experiencing meno I'm getting a small taste of what she has had to cope with all these years and I'm humbled. Also ashamed for my impatience.


Yep when I think about how I suggested to Dad that we 'should exercise' when he was sitting crying ...... oh the innocence of youth ...... when I was depressed I couldn't move leave alone exercise! 

Hi all, can totally relate to this thread. Am suffering with terrible anxiety/depression at the moment and if anyone said cut off your leg and you will have peace i would willingly do it!! I do believe you inherit you nervous system and sensitivity to some extent as my mother was like that,  i spend hours wondering why other people can cope with life and i struggle so much. At present I am living alone and struggling, although its not the aloneness but my insecurity thats the problem. Can anyone relate to that???

Why do we always feel that others are coping?  Maybe they have ways of masking their feelings in public but at home ......... ?

What insecurities do you have right now?

A face for out and a face for in.

You are so right CLKD.

I often look around me in shops at women of my age (ish) and wonder how some of them manage to look so together. Maybe they are and just maybe they feel like me on the inside only hide it better.

Hope you feel better soon Charlie Girl. This is a very hard time of life.




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